Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Help the Families of Arrested Swift Workers

By now all of our dwindling readership has probably heard about the dramatic Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids on a meat-packing plant in Greeley, a few hours north of us. You have probably also heard that the relatives of those arrested don't know where their loved ones are being detained and that there are kids who are staying with aunts, uncles, and neighbors because their parents are in detention.

Here are a couple of ways you can help the familes of the workers. the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7, which represents the workers at the Swift Plant has a hardship fund for its members, and The United Way of Weld County (Greeley) has also set up an assistance fund. As we gather with our families in the next couple of days, we might think about showing solidarity for those whose families are forcibly separated. You can find out how to make a donation at the links above. the UFCW site has a good set of links to coverage of the raid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard about that from my friend who lives in Greeley. all the stuff going on there with the anti-immigration is bunk! thanks for posting this.

December 21, 2006 8:06 PM  

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